Matching Game Maker Tutorial
Matching Game Maker is a program used to create exercises with pairs of words and sentences in text or sound.
1. Download "Matching Game Maker" at
and save it in your Program Files folder or in any folder you wish.
VImp: The Matching Game Maker subfolder with all its files is automatically created in a folder called DEET. So... whenever you look for the Matching Game folder, first look for the DEET folder.
2. Open Matching Game Maker by clicking on the destop icon (that is inserted automatically during the download), or by double-clicking the "Matching Game Maker" Application file (in a red rectangle below) in the MatchingGame folder
3. Choose "Make New Game" and click the "Next Step" button (bottom right).
4. Give your game a name (ex: mgtutorial / colors / time / schoolobjects) and write your name (the simpler, the better). From this step onwards you will find two buttons at the bottom right: Previous or Next. This means you can always go back and change something, or carry on to the next step
5. Select the type of information that will appear in your game
a. If you choose Sound and Text,
you will find two options to insert the sound: record it directly in the program (the red mic icon) or upload a sound file that you have recorded in advance (yellow folder icon)
6. Select the number of pairs of data in your game
7. Write instructions. Try to be as brief as possible. Then write the text in each pair of slots. (You can change the font size at the bottom of this page)
8. Write a complimentary message for your students to be shown before the game ends.
9. Select Web page in "File Type". In "New Folder name" use the same name (matchgametut) you used in step 4. In "Select folder" select the MatchingGame folder (the orange folder below). Finally, click Save
10. Next you will see a small window with the path to your game. Check if everything is correct and click Ok
11. Click "Play Game" in the mini window below to preview your game and check if it is working properly. When the new window opens, right click the top banner. Choose "Allow Blocked Content..." and "Yes". You're ready to play.
12. To have your game online and with a link for your students, you need to upload the folder and all its files to an Internet server (your school Moodle, for example) where you will store and run your files through a link, that is, a Web address.
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